I remember guitarist Max Verna of the Ominous Seapods - the greatest rock band ever - one time commenting from the stage about growing up in the 1980s: "Bad hair, bad music and bad drugs."
Now, 1980s music has the bulldog effect on me. You know, so ugly, it's cute. Yeah, the music is so terrible, it's good.
Fellow enthusiast Scot MacMillan, (aka DJ Filthy MacNasty) was spinning tunes at the SoM Headquarters post-Lotus last Saturday night, and he busted it all out. Even the '80s TV show theme songs.
Eventually we came to discussing the legendary vocalist Michael McDonald. I was sore from laughing the next day. What do you think? When is it appropriate to use Michael McDonald? My vote for "nice use" comes from 1977…
Voted "Nice Use of Michael McDonald"
"Peg" by Steely Dan - check about 6:15 in...
Voted "Bad Use of Michael McDonald"
Check out this gem from 1986. Who wouldn't want to party with these guys?!